Stephen Bennett came home a broken man after a mental week on Parco del Brenta in Italy, after enduring four sleepless nights of action on his way to a 41-fish haul!
The lack of sleep proved well worth it, though, as he smashed his personal best during the trip thanks to a 74lb 12oz unit, backed up a common of 64lb 12oz and a 53lb mirror, as well as eight forties to 49lb 14oz.
“I don’t want to see another Spomb or solid bag for a long time,” said Stephen, who baited constantly through the night, evenings and mornings to keep the bites coming.
PB wafters inside solid bags of Crayfish Mini Mix pellets proved absolutely deadly for Stephen, fished over his regularly topped-up bed of house pellets, Bug Hydro Spod Syrup, Hemp Oil, Salmon Oil, Calanus Hydro, Insect Meal and Blizzard.