DIY Carp Bait Liquids: Make Your Own Recipe at Home

  • Posted: 5th February 2025
  • Author: Team DNA

In times of financial uncertainty, it’s completely understandable to look for ways to save money – especially in what can be an expensive hobby like carp fishing. While we sell carp bait, we empathise with the fact that it can be hard to justify spending a lot on products you ultimately throw into the water. That’s why we’ve put together this guide, incorporating not only cost-saving supermarket ingredients but also tips on how to get the best value from some of our more affordable products.

1. Sweetcorn

Sweetcorn has been a staple in carp fishing for years, and for good reason. Carp absolutely love this sweet, vibrant bait. While it’s not particularly high in nutrition, it’s packed with natural attractors that keep carp coming back for more. You can pick up a kilo for just a couple of quid at the supermarket, and when paired with a small piece of maize on the hook, it remains a highly effective method.

Tip: Put a couple of tablespoons of sweetcorn in a bait tub and mix in a teaspoon of table salt. Let it soak in, and you’ll have PVA-friendly corn ready for small mesh bags. If you want to give your maize hookbaits an edge, try adding Intense Boosters – at just £3.49, they can flavour a large number of hookbaits. You can also mix in food colouring to create a variety of options. A touch of honey can further enhance the attraction.

Eight Intense Boosters lined up in a row

Using our amazing-value Intense Boosters, you can bring a new dimension to your sweetcorn and maize approach

Honey is a great, inexpensive substance that will enhance any bait

2. Marmite

No, we’re not asking you to eat it! This yeasty, sticky paste is a game-changer in winter fishing. Packed with savoury attraction, vitamins and minerals, it’s exactly what carp seek in colder months. Marmite can turn a blank session around.

How to use it: Mix it with a little warm water or Hydro Wheat to create a thick bait glug or stick mix additive. Alternatively, dip your hookbait directly into the paste before casting.

A jar of Marmite

Some love it, some hate it, but try mixing Marmite with Hydro Wheat and you’ll be left in no doubt what a fantastic edge this stuff can be

A bottle of Hydro Wheat

Hydro Wheat is extremely well priced for a 1-litre bottle and can be used in all manner of situations

3. Carnation Milk

A super-affordable yet highly effective bait additive. Mix it with brown crumb or oatmeal to create a sloppy spod mix that clouds the water – ideal for zig rig fishing. It keeps carp actively searching for food, hopefully leading them to your zig rig.

Pair it with: Peppered Squid Candy Sticks. The jet-black hookbait stands out in the cloudy water, and at only £6.75 per pack, you’ll have enough for an entire season of zig fishing.

Carnation milk

Many of the match boys of used carnation milk to create a sloppy spod mix for years

A Peppered Squid Candy Stick

A Peppered Squid Candy Stick zig fished amongst a sloppy spod mix can be deadly!

4. Bread

Bread is often overlooked in carp fishing because it’s difficult to keep on the hook. However, with a little ingenuity, a cheap loaf of white bread can provide ample bait for an impromptu session – especially in winter when silver fish activity is lower.

How to use it: Let the bread go stale, then blend it in a food processor. Use the resulting crumbs to create small PVA mesh bags. This will leave a bright white bait patch on the lakebed, making it easy for carp to spot – even in winter when their eyesight is poorer.

Hookbait tip: Use a white pop-up like Milky Malt or Half Tone, or wrap blended bread in ladies’ tights or Arma Mesh to create durable, hair-riggable hookbaits that constantly release food signals.

A tub of Milky Malt pop-ups

A Milky Malt pop-up fished in conjunction with liquidised bread can be a real winner

5. DIY Spod / Food Liquid

Bait liquids are an essential part of modern carp fishing, but you don’t have to break the bank to get an effective mix. Here’s a cost-effective, high-protein liquid you can use over boilies, pellets or groundbait:

  • 1 litre Hydro Wheat
  • 1 litre Molasses (for larger quantities, check your local equestrian supplier for better value)
  • 250ml Vegetable Oil (Peanut Oil, Walnut Oil, or Toasted Sesame Oil work well)

Blend the mixture thoroughly using a hand blender or shake it vigorously in a large bottle. This amino-acid-rich liquid will flood the water column with food signals. If making a large batch, remember to shake before each use, as the oil will naturally rise to the top over time.

Final Thoughts

Making your own carp bait liquids and utilising cost-effective ingredients doesn’t mean compromising on results. With a little creativity, you can enhance your bait while keeping costs down. Give these tips a try on your next session and see how the carp respond!

For more bait tips and top-quality products, check out the latest from DNA Baits!

Check out other informative articles from DNA Baits:

Five Tips to Improve Your Catch Rate by Perry Alabaster

The Guide to Zig Fishing for Big Carp by Shaun Green

The Secrets to Solid-Bag Fishing for Carp by Andy Gowan