My Three Favourite DNA Products to Catch Carp
As an angler with more than eight years of experience using DNA Baits, I’ve developed a deep confidence in their range. I’ve tested a variety of their products, and without fail, they always deliver results – whether I’m chasing big carp or looking to get a few bites during a short session. In this article, I’ll share my three favourite DNA products that have proven time and time again to be the key to successful carp fishing: PBs, The Bug, and Crayfish Mini Mix pellets.
1. PBs – High-Attract Hookbaits That Never Fail
The PBs are a versatile, high-attract hookbait that have earned legendary status in the carp fishing community. Infused with refined milk proteins and Betaine HCL, this bait is flavoured with the timeless combination of pineapple and banana. The result is a bright yellow hookbait that is irresistible to carp.
PBs come in different shapes and sizes, allowing you to use them in various fishing situations. Whether you’re using them as pop-ups, wafters, or part of a snowman rig, these hookbaits have proven themselves time and again in both single-hookbait situations and as part of a baited area. I also recommend pairing them with the PB Intense Booster, especially during the colder months, for that added punch.
The fish are drawn to the irresistible smell and flavour profile, making PBs my go-to for big hits and when I need a hookbait to save me from a blank session. They’re one of the most effective baits I’ve ever used, and I never fish without them in my kit.
2. THE BUG – A Game-Changing Carp Bait
The Bug is a relatively new addition to the DNA Baits range, but it’s already made a huge impact in the world of carp fishing. This bait is made from Insect Meal derived from the larvae of black soldier flies, complemented by cutting-edge ingredients and flavoured with a creamy, chocolate malt scent.
The Bug is available in both shelf life and freezer options, and you can choose from round baits or dumbbells. This versatility makes it a fantastic all-year-round option. I’ve had great success using it in various forms, including whole, crushed, or pre-soaked in matching liquids. I prefer to pre-soak mine, sometimes adding a coating of Insect Meal or Krill Meal for an extra boost.
Since using The Bug, my catch rate has skyrocketed. I’ve even caught multiple fish over 40lb, something I hadn’t done before incorporating this bait into my strategy. If you’re looking for a bait that consistently attracts and catches carp, The Bug is a must-try. It’s my top choice, and I rely on it exclusively now.
3. Crayfish Mini Mix Pellets – A Carp Magnet
The Crayfish Mini Mix pellets are another DNA product that have proven to be a game-changer in my baiting strategy. These mini and micro pellets, including trout, halibut and coarse, are coated with a pungent crayfish flavour that the carp simply can’t resist.
These pellets are perfect for a variety of uses: from pre-baiting edge spots to adding to your groundbait, spod mixes, or PVA bags. One of the most productive ways I’ve found to use them is in PVA solid or mesh bags, either over a baited area or on their own. The strong smell and attraction keep carp grubbing for long periods, increasing your chances of a bite.
Over the years, Crayfish Mini Mix pellets have helped me catch countless carp, making them an essential part of my baiting arsenal. They complement any hookbait or baiting strategy, and I always have them with me on every session.
Conclusion: The DNA Baits That Will Transform Your Carp Fishing
If you’re looking for reliable, proven products that will increase your chances of success, look no further than the PBs, The Bug, and Crayfish Mini Mix pellets. These three products have earned their place as my top choices for carp fishing, and they’ve delivered exceptional results on countless occasions. Whether you’re after big catches or consistent bites, these DNA Baits products will give you the edge you need.
Get out there and give these baits a go – I’m sure you’ll be just as impressed by the results as I have been.
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