• Posted: 19th October 2023
  • Author: Team DNA
Aaron Mcilwaine’s toughest session of the year to date on the GUYs syndicate at Linear Fisheries still saw him return to Belfast having banked a dozen carp from 16 takes, with the highlight being a 35lb 4oz mirror.
Aaron told us: “On arrival, both Yeomans and Unity Lakes were very busy, but surprisingly Gaunts Lake was quiet, which would soon change, so I decided to drop on there.
“The session proved to be very moody with not a lot coming out around the lake, but knowing there are some very big carp in the lake, I decided to stay on Gaunts and take a chance, given that autumn had arrived and big-fish season was upon us!
“To start with, I decided to fish two rods over around 10 spods of my usual whole, chopped and crushed Bug/SLK boilies soaked in their matching Liquid Foods, as well as a single rod on a solid bag.
“The first night passed by uneventfully, but at around 8 o’clock the following morning, I had my first bite from a 24lb mirror on the solid-bag rod.
“The rest of day passed and I was soon going into my second night, which was very quiet. I went for a walk the following morning and found fish at the opposite end of the lake. After moving to my new swim, I chucked a single solid bag to some fizzing/bubbling and just watched the water for the rest of the morning, not wanting to risk spooking them out of the area. It was clear the fish were in the weed enjoying the naturals – and there were plenty of them!
“I decided to change my baiting approach, as looking around the lake the other anglers were spodding it up with very little success. I opted to keep all three rods on solid bags but swapped the spod rod for the throwing stick. The change certainly worked, as I started getting bites and managed five fish to 35lb 4oz.
“I then left GUYs for a couple of nights and went to Standlake Lagoon, before returning to the syndicate. On my return, I decided to drop back on to Gaunts. Once again, I decided to go in with solid bags, as they definitely seemed to be the tactic to nick a few bites. I managed to add another seven fish to my tally, all of which were between 20lb and 28lb.
“In total from both sessions, I had 16 takes and landed 12, with the biggest being a lovely 35lb 4oz mirror.
“My solid bags were loaded up with Insect Meal and Crayfish Mini Mix pellets, to which I added Calanus Hydro. My hookbait choice was the smaller-sized hookbaits Bug Corker dumbell wafters.”