Let’s start the week in explosive fashion, courtesy of the one-man hauling machine that is Roger Bacon!
With the weather looking particularly favourable for Grenville, Roger decided to kick off his year on the Cambridgeshire syndicate nice and early. Smashing out Bug-packed solid bags as far as he could get them over a baited area of mixed-sized Bug boilies, Roger was rewarded with an amazing January hit of eight fish that included his first fifty of 2023 at 51lb 6oz and two back-up forties to 46lb 1oz.
“With the weatherman telling me it was going to be windy, I decided I would take the opportunity to try and fish to an area out in the middle of Grenville where I thought the bigger fish had settled over the previous very cold spell,” said Roger.
“On arrival the wind had already started and, yes, it was very strong! Rigging up with solid bags containing a mixture of Crayfish Mini Mix pellets and fine Bug crumb injected with Bug Liquid Food, I whacked my bags out 40-45 wraps with the aid of the wind – definitely my longest cast ever!
“Over the next few days, I had nine bites and eight fish, with biggest weighing in at 51lb 6oz, 46lb 1oz and 41lb 10oz. They were mostly day bites too, which was lovely, giving me time to tie rigs and rest up at night. Casting every couple of hours in the days, I injected almost a litre of the Bug Liquid Food into my bags over the session, with Pink Peril pop-ups used for hookbaits.”