• Posted: 7th September 2022
  • Author: Team DNA
An hour spent finding the perfect spot proved to be time well spent for John Kittle, when he put in a rare session on Linear Fisheries’ Unity Lake syndicate.
Having found a nice gap in the weed at 26 wraps, John got his PB wafters on the spot, baited up with 12mm and 15mm Bug and SLK boilies, matching pellets, particles and corn, all smothered in lashings of Bug Hydro Spod Syrup, and went to tempt 14 fish in 36 hours, including a brand-new UK personal best of 36lb 14oz, a 33lb 10oz ghost common and a 31lb 10oz linear.
With Gaunts Lake being so busy, I decided to have a short session on Unity,” said John.
“With the wind being calm, finding the fish was easy, but finding a clear spot was another story! Unity is quite a weedy, shallow lake, but after a good hour with the leading rod, a clear area big enough for three rigs was found in an alcove of weed.
“Thirty large Spombs of Bug and SLK boilies, matching Bug and SLK pellets, as well as some particles, all thoroughly coated in Hydro Spod Syrup, were dispatched in the evening and the game was on!
“Two fish during the night was just the starter of what was about to come. During the day, nine fish, including two thirties, were banked, topped by an immense ghost common of 33lb 10oz.
“Plagued by tench going into dark, the rods were wound in for a good night’s sleep. PB wafters on fluorocarbon D-rigs were sent back into play at 6am and I didn’t have to wait long before two more mirrors hit the net, before eclipsing them all with Unity’s big mirror at 36lb 14oz, which was a new UK personal best for me!
“Thoroughly stoked, the rods were wound in shortly after and the session was cut short so I could head home and celebrate.”

33lb 10oz ghostie

31lb 10oz linear