• Posted: 5th June 2024
  • Author: Team DNA
A move on to showing fish helped Roger Bacon turn his session around on Kingsmead 1 this week, resulting in a five-fish catch over the course of 48 hours.
Once in the new swim, Roger began baiting up with 15mm Bug boilies using a throwing stick, and the spread baiting really seemed to work, as he got through 10kg of Bug freebies in total!
The pick of the trip was a chestnut-coloured mirror of 44lb 12oz, which was backed up by a wrinkled, twisted character fish of 38lb 12oz.
At the business end, Roger fished with Bug and Fruitylicious snowman presentations in conjunction with bags of Crayfish Maxi Mix and Crayfish Mini Mix pellets, which he had soaked in Bug Amino Smoke before casting out.