The PB range
Since joining DNA I have been using the PB range to great effect; the carp simply love them! I have a huge amount of confidence in these hookbaits and have found the range of PB hookbaits covers every option for almost every situation.
To give myself an edge and also to add more attraction to my hookbaits, I use them in conjunction with the PB Intense Booster liquid, as well as Betaine HCL and the Fruit Sense+ powders. I start by adding small amounts of Booster liquid on to my hookbaits in a plastic bag and leave them to soak for around 48 hours at a time. Once I have repeated this four or five times, I will add a teaspoon of Betaine HCL powder and the same of Fruit Sense+ powder. I will then shake the bag well and then add a final squirt of Intense Booster so that the powders stick to the hookbaits. I will then leave the hookbaits in the bag for another 48 hours so the powders soak up any excess liquid, then they are ready to use!
In order to ensure my pop-ups stay popped up, I always drill and cork them as the buoyancy may be affected by the extra liquid and powder.
This method of boosting your hookbaits also works great with any other hookbait in the DNA range!