The Switch boilies
I’ve been using DNA for my bait now for a number of years and one of my absolute favourite products in the range has to be the Switch. I first encountered the bait during the testing period after blagging some off a friend and used it to good effect on a tricky little club lake, tempting a fish that hadn’t seen the bank for nearly five years! It was at that point I knew I had stumbled on something very special.
The main appeal for me is how it can be used all year round and also how instant it can be, often catching really cute fish from the off. I really don’t go fishing without it anymore; whether I’m setting little traps in the edge over some crumb or fanning out three rods over a big bed of whole boilies, the Switch has totally transformed my season on more than one occasion!
I often fish singles in the winter, and the Half Tones pop-ups and wafters are perfect for whichever presentation you favour. In the spring, when the fish are waking up, a small mesh bag of crumb combined with a wafter is a deadly combination and has regularly nicked me a bite when all else fails. As the year progresses, I like to apply more bait, and with the Switch, the more you give them, the more they want it! Wherever I’ve taken it, I’ve had fantastic results, so give the Switch a try; I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

A very memorable Switch capture