Winter Series 7 reaches its official finale, as Mark Bartlett heads to the most famous carp fishery in the country, Linear Fisheries.
Beginning the session on Manor Farm, Bart then turns his attentions to St John’s Pool, a lake synonymous with the Linear complex, boasting an incredible stock of carp to well in excess of 40lb-plus. However, it’s not just carp that reside in this lake, as Bart discover when his zigs grab to the attention of a few slimy moggies!
How will Bart get past the moggies and through to the carp?
Look out for some great little solid-bag tips, as Bart calls upon his ever-faithful PB pop-up hookbaits mixed with the Crayfish Mini Mix pellets to pick off a few bites.
Does Bart full it in with Bug? Well, you might be surprised!