• Posted: 22nd April 2024
  • Author: Team DNA
Check this out for a haul! Vicky Gudelajtis enjoyed the most memorable 72 hours on the East Delph complex in Cambridgeshire as part of a ladies’ charity society event, amassing an incredible tally of 21 fish during her stay, capped by a new personal best of 32lb 8oz.
Vicky said: “After receiving consistent bites straight after setting up on the first day, landing fish to mid-twenties, the spot went quiet, so I made the tough call to move to an area where I’d see fish move just off an island. Within 20 minutes of placing the rod back on the rest, it was away with my new PB of 32lb 8oz, a beautiful dark mirror. I went on to have an incredible session, landing 21 carp in total. The Bug never fails!”
Vicky fished with small Bug Corker dumbbell wafters, which she fished in conjunction with mesh bags of house pellets and baited over the top with a few catapults of Bug freebies after each fish.