A double take not long into darkness saw Ed Banks with 63lb of carp in his nets on a recent outing to an undisclosed venue, the highlight being a 40lb 6oz common!
Remembering how the action unfolded, Ed said: “I received a savage take just before 8pm and hit into it. It immediately felt like a good fish, towing me around wherever it felt like! After 15 minutes, by which point I still hadn’t seen the fish, one of my other rods decided to tear off at the same time, leaving me trying to juggle two rods at once. Luckily, the big girl gave up not long after and I managed to land both carp, the other being a low twenty.”
Ed’s bites came on pink 15mm Bug Half Tones pop-ups that he pinned down with putty so they acted like a wafter.
He fished his rigs over a mixture of 15mm Bug boilies, maize and hemp, all soaked in Sweet Cayenne Pepper.