• Posted: 9th October 2023
  • Author: Team DNA
The bellies of the carp on the GUYs syndicate at Linear Fisheries are noticeably beginning to grow back after a good spawn during the summer, which is a sure sign they are troughing on anglers’ bait!
Despite turning up to a very busy venue at the weekend, Jason Dowling was still able to capitalise on the fish’s eagerness for food, landing 11 fish in total, a 35lb 14oz ghost common, nine twenties to 29lb 10oz and a mid-double.
Jason kept the bait going in over the course of the session, topping up his spot with 12mm Bug boilies, hemp, maize and tigers, all soaked in Calanus Hydro and Bug Hydro Spod Syrup.
Trimmed-down 12mm PB pop-up hookbaits were lying in wait over the baited area!