Chris Reilly can really feel things coming together now on his Embryo Angling syndicate water, after he followed his capture of Kinky with a lump of a mirror that tipped the scales at more than 40lb.
Clearly still carrying a bit of spawn, the 40lb 2oz mirror gave Chris an early-morning alarm call after he’d spotted fish show in his area the day before.
“I have never fished such a random lake like this before,” said Chris.
“It’s like the complete opposite to all what you know, I but love the challenge and hopefully can get into a few more.
“After seeing fish show on my arrival and with the wind absolutely smashing into the bay, it was looking spot on.
This fish was caught from where I’d seen a second fish show after standing in the swim, with the bite coming at 4 o’clock the next morning.”
The Bug continues to do the business for Chris, in particular the white Bug Half Tones pop-ups, which he fished over a baited area of Bug chops and Crayfish Maxi Mix pellets, all soaked in Calanus Hydro.