• Posted: 10th April 2024
  • Author: Team DNA
Chris Reilly can’t put a foot wrong at the moment, having recorded his second 40-pounder in the space of a week from his Embryo syndicate water.
Following on from his capture of a 42lb 2oz mirror over the Easter weekend, the 38-year-old from Watford returned for another 48-hour session and faced the wrath of Storm Kathleen!
Despite being blown around all over, however, Chris got his reward with another magnificent fish, a 41lb mirror known as the Scattered Lin.
“I opted to swim into the face of Storm Kathleen, knowing a few fish would be on this warm, strong south-westerly wind.
“Just before dark, I saw a few fish show not far from the spot and in the early hours the middle rod was away with a fish known as the Scattered Lin, my second forty in the space of a week from the lake.”
A PB pop-up on a hinged stiff rig did the business for Chris, presented over a mixture of whole and crumbed Bug and Secret 7 freebies.