Tom O’Mahony had to slip in between the crowds on his busy syndicate water, but still came away smelling of roses after topping a four-fish catch with a cracking common!
Tom said: “Having arrived on the Thursday evening after work, I was surprised at how busy the lake was, but managed to get into a peg in the middle of the lake where I’d fished once before and had success from.
“What resulted was a four-fish catch, a lovely 32lb 8oz common backed up by mirrors of 28lb and 23lb, as well as a stockie.
“Both rods were fished tight together at range over house boilies and pellets, all soaked in plenty of Hydro Wheat and dusted in Insect Meal. The rigs were baited with the ever-faithful Bug Corker wafters, enhanced further by the matching Bug Intense Booster liquid.”